Mayra Lares

Home Page Portfolio Artist Statement

Artist Statement

One of the mediums that I'm really passionate about working with is creating a Website. There is so many other types of art forms that you can incorporate; digital images, digital videos, audios, games, gifs, etc. If one already has various artworks created, they can simply use Atom and Github to organzie their work, create a website, and make it live on the web. I find it important to learn the basics of creating a webiste, because through it one can share all of their artwork whether it's traditional or digital. It's also a simple way of connecting with technology since it's really big nowadays.

One of the projects that partly demonstrates sharing other types of media through one website is my own website called 'Mayra's Portrait.' On this website, I began by putting together my own image to use as a background. I downloaded a polariod pictures template, photoshopped the images I wanted onto them, and placed it as my background. After that, I gathered all the images I wanted to use for each category (Cats, Photography, Art), resized them in Photoshop, and then linked them into Atom (a coding program)! I posted both digital art, which I consider to be photography, and traditional art from my high school years!