Mayra Lares

Home Page Portfolio Artist Statement

'Fleeting Moments', Digital Video, 2019

This video-compilation includes clips that I recorded on my phone. I wanted to include random moments from my life that might not seem like a big deal, because I believe that even the smallest of details from moments in one's life are very meaningful. From hiking, to watching cars pass by or watching a bee go about a rock. I enjoy every moment when I feel a sense of calmness and joy.

'It's Not What it Sounds Like', Sound Art, 2019

For this piece, I wanted to record various sounds around me that didn't sound like what it seemed. For example, the zipper sounds that are faintly heard can be interpretted as being farting sounds. I wanted to create an audio where it had to be listened to multiple times if one wanted to try and figure out what exactly could have been used to create the sound.


'Anchored', Digital Image, 2019

This image's code was taken apart, editted and reconstructed in Audacity in order to form a glitched-like image. Then it was taken to Photoshop to finish adding effects. It has to do with the type of relationship I have with technology, which is represented as not being a good one. To a certain extent, technology holds me back from becoming the best person I can be. Social media, games, Youtube, and so on take up hours from my day in which I could be doing something much more productive than staring at a screen and ruining my eyesight. In the image, I am the hot-air balloon and technology is represented by the giant anchor.


'Hangover', Digital Image, 2019

This image also represents my relationship with technology. There's times when I've surpassed the maximum amount of time I can spend on a technological device and the next day I end up feeling as if I had a hangover, hence this art project is titled 'Hangover'. Even so I get that horrible feeling of a hangover, I still continue to spend time on a cell-phone or tablet all while "recovering". "Recovering" in the image is represented by the woman having an IV drop connected to her arm.


'Galactic Ant', Digital Image, 2019

I thought the option of creating a hyperreal place that blends reality and fiction would be cool so I tried to go for that. I knew I wanted to do something having to do with outerspace and planets, but I also wanted to include earthly concepts. In the end, I chose an ant-one of the smallest insects on the planet- as it stares up into space and it can visibly see planets, stars and galaxies as opposed to darkness and twinkling dots. A variety of grass images were gathered, along with an ant image, and a galaxy image that were editted in Adobe Photoshop.


'Mayra's Portrait', Website, 2019

My net art piece gives people who don't know me that well three fun facts about myself! Hopefully, one can gather from it that I really like cats, photography, and art! I also tend to see videos and pictures of cats on Instagram a lot, as well as art! The background shows 'Polaroids' of some of my friends. I decided to include this, because they are very precious to me since I have been friends with most of them for 4+ years.

'Piano Tiles of Love and Despair', p5.js coding, 2019

I wanted to create something that involved piano tiles and music so I looked to my favorite artist for inspiration. The background image of the boy and girl/ boy are from a music video and the musical notes included form 2 tunes when played from left to right. The image of the boy and girl holding hands is meant to portray the first time they met and how the boy feels accepted, because somebody finally loves him. However, after she leaves him, he once again feels lonely and worthless. As for the shapes surrounding them, I originally wanted to make them change to different shades and tints of pink and purple, but then when I faced challenges I had to restart my whole project and didn't want to mess up what I had even more. So instead, I made each shape a different color. As for when you click and only the boy shows up crouched on the floor, I chose to make everything red, because that's the color that I tend to associate despair and negative emotions (in general) with.

'CHIMMY's Daily Morning Fall', Video, 2020

This was a "mini-project" created in my Art 75 class. The goal was to demonstrate at least 5 different methods for shooting a video such as pan, tilt, over-the shoulder shot, etc. I portrayed some of these different shooting techniques through telling the adorable and yet unfortunate story of a plushie named CHIMMY whose daily routine consists of falling out of bed. The video was editted usng Adobe Premiere Pro.